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Posts published in “Events”

Jumping the Gun!

Paulo Otero, a Law Professor at the Lisbon University Faculty of Law, categorically stated that the ‘mandatory use of masks along Madeira’s public roads’ can only be determined by the Assembly of the Republic.  He also pointed out that the only time masks could become mandatory is during a ‘State…

4,000 And Counting

As of 7 pm this evening 4,000 people had signed the petition against the use of mandatory face masks in all public spaces, which is due to come into force this Saturday, the 1st of August.

Flower Festival Parade Cancelled – Or Perhaps Not!

According to RTP-Madeira the Regional Government has confirmed that the 'Allegorical Flower Parade,' scheduled for the 6th of September has been cancelled, however, the government has confirmed that the rest of the flower festival programme will remain as scheduled, including the Wall of Hope, flower exhibitions and concerts. 

Estreito Câmara de Lobos – Harvest Festival Cancelled

The Estreito Câmara de Lobos Parish Council and Estreito Cultural and Recreational Association (ACRE) has announced that, in view of the current pandemic and due to health and safety guidelines with regards to social distancing, they have cancelled the Estreito 2020 Harvest Festival which was scheduled to take place between the 11th and 13th of September in the village of Estreito de Câmara de Lobos.

Tighter Supervision Called For

While attending the 8th anniversary of the Banco Alimentar - Mão Solidária, in Santo António, Funchal, the President of the Regional Government, Miguel Albuquerque, stated that “he did not approve of the images he'd seen of groups of people gathering together as they had at the Calheta Rally last weekend, some of whom did not comply with social distancing requirements and the wearing of masks.

Children Warn of Abandoned Mask Dangers

To mark 'Ocean Day' and despite being in lock down, local Caniço Primary school and the Junta de Freguesia challenged youngsters during May and June to create posters to raise awareness among the population about the risks to public health, nature and marine life that discarded disposable personal protective equipment, such as masks, gloves and wipes, has on the environment.  In addition the children wanted to highlight the use of reusable masks, in order to produce less waste.

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