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Posts published in “Nature”

Injured Monk Seal

Since the 1st of July, the IFCN (Institute of Forests, Nature and Conservation) has been monitoring an injured and weak Monk seal. The animals situation was first made known through the SOS Vida Selvagem line, and the mammal is being closely watched by the IFCN and the GNR. 

Aerial Firefighting Equipment Needed All Year Round

The president of the Regional Civil Protection Service of Madeira, Captain José Dias, today defended his views that the way forward in the fight against fires in the archipelago is the provision of an aerial firefighting capability, comprising a helicopter, support teams and equipment, throughout the year. Defending his decision he said "the POCIF (Implementation of the Operational Plan for Combating Forest Fires) helicopter has been a major asset since arriving in Madeira.

Wood Pigeons Cause Havoc

Today begins a new period of applications for support from PRODERAM 2020 for the action- Crop protection systems against protected species, which aims to provide flat-rate aid for the installation of crop protection systems against protected species, namely the Wood Pigeon (Columba trocaz), in order to prevent and minimise crop destruction and loss of income for farmers, this is especially so for those farmers working on the north of the island.  

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