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Posts tagged as “porto Santo”

Litter Free Porto Santo

Within the scope of the “Porto Santo Sem Lixo Marinho” project, a coastal cleaning campaign will take place during the 14th to the 19th of December.  Depending on the number of people who volunteer, this clean-up may also extend to streams and other places where rubbish and marine litter frequently…

Protect Porto Santo’s Sand Dunes

The Regional Government has announced that they will protect Porto Santo's sand dune line from the effects of steadily rising sea levels. The decision was announced this morning, 13th of October, by the Regional Secretary for the Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Susana Prada, as part of the LIFE DUNAS.  

Tell Them to Wear Masks

The President of the Regional Government, Miguel Albuquerque said that the recent Covid-19 transmission in Porto Santo needed vigilance to maintain and control the situation.  As such, he appealed to all hoteliers, saying: "I ask you to recommend to our tourists, who are happily returning to Madeira, to wear a mask whenever they go out.

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