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Madeira Weekly

Mandatory Mask Update

Adherence to the new mandatory mask wearing ruling seems a bit hit and miss at the moment judging from observations in my local town, where it would appear that the majority of women are obeying the new ruling while men, of a certain age, seem to believe they are exempt.

BES Debt Triples

According to a recent report by Jornal de Notícias,' Banco Espírito Santo's (BES) debt has practically tripled since 2014, while the “bad bank” assets can only cover 2.8% of its creditor liabilities. 

Risks Justify Masks

The President of Madeira, Miguel Albuquerque, again justified the use of masks by saying that the exponential increase in positive cases of Covid-19 in Madeira does not surprise the Regional Government, which, for this very reason, they enforced the use of masks outdoors. 

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