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Posts published in “Technology”

I Will Wait My Turn

Paulo Neves, the Madeiran Deputy to the Assembly of the Republic, has stated that he will wait his turn for a Covid - 19 vaccination and that he does not need to be a priority candidate.  On his Facebook page he wrote: "As a deputy, I waive that possibility of priority and I will wait for my turn to be vaccinated."  However, he did agree that some politicians should be vaccinated early. 

Whatsapp Shuns Old Phones

According to Correio da Manhã, from the 1st of January 2021, the WhatsApp app will stop working on some older phone models, such as the iPhone 4 (or older) and mobile phones operating on outdated Android systems, such as version 4.0.3.

Covid Home Tests

On Tuesday the 15th of December, the United States authorised the marketing of the first test to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 by individuals in their own home which provides the results in 20 minutes and does not need a medical prescription.

Bacterium Escape from Chinese Laboratory

Officials have confirmed that more than 10,500 people have contracted brucellosis, an animal disease, in northwest China, after the bacteria 'escaped' from a biopharmaceutical laboratory that produces vaccines for animals. Brucellosis is a disease transmitted by cattle or animal products. It is generally not contagious among humans, but it can cause fever, headache and pains in joints.

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