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Land Law Could Mean Better Zoning

The ADN considers that the application of the Land Law in the Region would facilitate the organisation of land use, promoting more efficient and sustainable urban planning, as well as establishing environmental protection zones, preserving ecosystems and natural resources.

The party questions the current regional executive about the refusal to apply this law in the Region, “under the pretext that there would be other alternative ‘mechanisms.'”.”Meanwhile, we still know nothing about this important issue that directly reflects the current problem of homelessness in Madeira, where approximately 4,300 families are desperate for adequate accommodation.

ADN believes this law would value properties in well-planned areas and with the appropriate infrastructure for this purpose, “but mainly it would direct investments and development to areas that need revitalisation.”

The party says it is surprised by the silence of the rest of the opposition, “in the face of this decision contrary to what was approved on the Portuguese mainland, which would authorise municipalities to reclassify as urban land, land until now intended for rustic use and would have as its main objective to increase the number of houses available on the market.”

Samantha Gannon

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