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Madeira Weekly

Estreito Câmara de Lobos – Harvest Festival Cancelled

The Estreito Câmara de Lobos Parish Council and Estreito Cultural and Recreational Association (ACRE) has announced that, in view of the current pandemic and due to health and safety guidelines with regards to social distancing, they have cancelled the Estreito 2020 Harvest Festival which was scheduled to take place between the 11th and 13th of September in the village of Estreito de Câmara de Lobos.

Tighter Supervision Called For

While attending the 8th anniversary of the Banco Alimentar - Mão Solidária, in Santo António, Funchal, the President of the Regional Government, Miguel Albuquerque, stated that “he did not approve of the images he'd seen of groups of people gathering together as they had at the Calheta Rally last weekend, some of whom did not comply with social distancing requirements and the wearing of masks.

Airport Contingency Plans Plea

Since March this year, the 'WE, Citizens Party!' have been questioning the Regional Government, and in particular the President of the Government, Miguel Albuquerque and the Secretary of Tourism and Culture, Eduardo Jesus, about the creation, existence and application of a “Contingency Plan” for the island's airport when strong winds impact on its operational effectiveness.

RIR Party Concerned over Legality of Kennels

RIR  (React - Include - Recycle) party member, Roberto Vieira, has voiced his concern as to the legality of all municipal kennels and catteries. In a press note he said that "we have learned that Vasco Gil's kennel and cattery in Santo António has yet to be given legal status and is located in an area of ​​trees and scrub which places all the resident animals and staff at considerable risk."

“NHR” under pressure in France and Portugal

Beneficiaries of retirement pensions from French sources (excluding public sector retirees) who settled in Portugal before 01 April 2020 may benefit from the Non-Habitual Resident scheme, an attractive tax-free regime for a period of 10 years. This favourable assessment results from a combined application of the double tax treaty concluded…

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Madeira Weekly