Since last week, Portugal has had a Dengue vaccine that does not require prior contact with the virus and is effective against the disease thus preventing the need for hospitalisation for milder cases for up to four and a half years after being administered.
Madeira Weekly
The 34-year-old who had been missing since Saturday from Penteada has returned home.
The man suspected of the murder of his partner, Délia Gouveia, aged 53, on Sunday night, in Meia Légua, Ribeira Brava, was heard this afternoon in the first judicial interrogation, in the Court of the District of Madeira, in Funchal.
Similar to what happened last weekend at Lisbon airport, the Foreigner and Border Service (SEF) strike created further misery at Madeira's International Airport.
Today the Regional Directorate of Statistics of Madeira released their analysis of the average monthly earnings according to sex
The family of deaf 34-year-old, André Nunes are desperate to find him.
The murder had occurred last night by 9 pm.
The police have arrested a man for shooting a woman dead last night in Meia Légua, in Ribeira Brava.
As part of the 'Blue School Day – This Is My Beach,' celebrations which took place on the 19th of May, the Blue School Programme and the Eco-Schools Project, of the Dona Lucinda Andrade Basic and Secondary School, promoted two cleaning and rubbish collection activities:
Although news is very sketchy, a woman was shot dead last night.
Filming of the documentary 'The Indomitable Viscount' which portrays the life and work of Francisco Correia de Herédia, took place in Ribeira Brava over the weekend.
The family of a deaf 34-year-old man who suffers from depression are desperate to find him, and have launched an appeal on Facebook.
The Consorcio group ( visited with a small group in Porto Novo at the Recycling and Triage station Estação de Transferência da Zona Leste e de Triagem da Madeira (ETZL/ET) ( The recycling service on the island (including P Santo) consists of three plants: recycling/triage in Este: Meia Legua/Ribeira Brava,…
Two French tourists became lost for several hours while walking along Levada do Rei, São Jorge.
With an increase in tourism comes an increase in the pressure on the island's infrastructure, especially when it comes to parking, as is the case in Pico do Areerio.