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Fires: Pedro Ramos Comes Under Heavy Criticism

On the sidelines of the solemn session commemorating the 280th anniversary of the municipality of São Vicente, the President of the Regional Government, Miguel Albuquerque made it clear that he will not fire the Regional Secretary of Health and Civil Protection, Pedro Ramos.

When asked by journalists about this hypothesis, the governor was clear: “Fire Pedro Ramos? What did he not do?”

As for the entire independent commission suggested by the CDS, Miguel Albuquerque said that “they can find out what they want, the decisions were made according to the experience of our Civil Protection. “I have no problem,” he answered.

In the face of criticism from other parties, the President’s response does not reveal any kind of consternation. “You analyse the result of the fire in terms of the results, not in terms of ‘guesswork,’ nor of what some political forces wanted, which is to bring down the government.” “What is at stake is not the fire, it is the ambition of certain power hungry people,” he said.

With regard to the criticism that arose within the party itself, Miguel Albuquerque only said that he never saw “these people face a fire.”

Slightly less jovial he replied when asked why had he stayed on Porto Santo, while the fires were ravaging the island, he stressed again that he followed the fire “from the first hour”, recalling, once again, that “there was not a house destroyed, no injuries, no deaths, no person affected.” He further added that he had thanked all the people evacuated from their homes for their understanding and for putting up with the ‘inconvenience. “I have to fulfill my duty and that is done. My obligation as President of the Government is, in a situation like this, to monitor and do everything possible to safeguard the values of society,” he said, concluding that “there was no lack of control, the decisions were taken at the right time.”

Samantha Gannon

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