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Mandatory Mask Wearing Could Ease with 80% Vaccination

Local newspaper JM highlighted this morning that the Regional Director of Health and Civil Protection, Pedro Ramos has said that by the 1st of September, 70% of regions citizens will have been fully vaccinated.  However, mandatory mask wearing will only be eased when the vaccination figures reach 80%. 
This many sound like promising news, however, an article released in the Daily Telegraph this morning cites an Oxford University Study, saying that although double vaccinations help prevent the spread of the alpha variant, the vaccines actually have very little effect on the delta variety, and even those who have been fully vaccinated can pass the virus on to others, as they carry the same viral load as an unvaccinated person.  The only difference, is that those who have been vaccinated are less likely to contract the SARS-CoV-2 delta variant.
So the message is stay aware, and adhere to all current pandemic health and safety measures.
Samantha Gannon
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