Capital gains tax exemption obtained in the sale of real estate will apply to sales between the beginning of this year (2023) and the end of 2024. However, T's and C's apply!
Madeira Weekly
"Once again, and contrary to what has been stated by the Regional Health Service, several hospital patients have complained about the lack of medicines in the hospital pharmacy," states the JPP (Juntos Pelo Povo).
The Diocese of Funchal has confirmed that the Independent Commission for the study of Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church in Portugal has given the Bishop of Funchal, four names resulting from complaints received by possible victims of sexual abuse within the Church.
Madeirans now pay 20% more in grocery bills compared to the same time last year.
Elizabeth Santos of EAPN (European Anti-poverty network Portugal), said yesterday that a quarter of the Madeiran population lives on less than 551 euros per month.
PS-Madeira leader, Sérgio Gonçalves, accompanied by Rui Caetano and Gonçalo Aguiar visited the Madeira Pavilion at the Lisbon Tourism Exchange (BTL).
Ilha das Aves, created by entrepreneur Carlos Macedo, comprises birds from several countries and is located in the parish of Campanário.
On the day that local newspaper, JM, announced in its print edition - that the A& E Department chaos at the Dr. Nélio Mendonça Hospital remains unresolved, the Regional Health Department issued a contrary statement, confirming that services were running normally and everything was under control.
The Regional Secretary of Environment and Climate Change, Susana Prada spoke at the Legislative Assembly of Madeira to propose a new Regional Legislative decree to combat and minimise the harmful effects of invasive species in the Region.
The Porto Santo Line experienced another mechanical failure today, the second so far in less than a month since it returned from its annual service.
Yesterday Luís Miguel de Sousa came under cross-examination about the Sousa's lack of performance with regard to the inter-island ferry (Tenerife-Madeira-Mainland), whose service was suspended after two years as the Sousa group deemed it unprofitable, and needed compensatory compensation to keep it running.
Groundforce workers will be on full strike on Friday (3rd) and Saturday (4th), and with Sunday also possibly being affected confirm unions STAMA and STTAMP.