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Posts published in “Nature”

Support for Farmers Guaranteed

During a presidential visit to Lamaceiros, Porto Moniz, where Miguel Albuquerque visited a three-hectare vineyard owned by Manuel Ramos Lucas and dedicated to the growing of Verdelho grapes, the President assured farmers that the government will continue to support agriculture and entrepreneurs within the sector.

Monitoring Results of Protected Area of ​​Cabo Girão Available

The initial monitoring results of the GIRO Project - Project to Enhance the Protected Area of ​​Cabo Girão - collected by the Insular Association of Geography (AIG) in partnership with the Forest and Nature Conservation Institute, IP-RAM and Câmara, are now available.

Children Warn of Abandoned Mask Dangers

To mark 'Ocean Day' and despite being in lock down, local Caniço Primary school and the Junta de Freguesia challenged youngsters during May and June to create posters to raise awareness among the population about the risks to public health, nature and marine life that discarded disposable personal protective equipment, such as masks, gloves and wipes, has on the environment.  In addition the children wanted to highlight the use of reusable masks, in order to produce less waste.

Injured Monk Seal

Since the 1st of July, the IFCN (Institute of Forests, Nature and Conservation) has been monitoring an injured and weak Monk seal. The animals situation was first made known through the SOS Vida Selvagem line, and the mammal is being closely watched by the IFCN and the GNR. 

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