MEP and Transport and Tourism Committee member, Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar, wrote to the European Commission (EC) this week, a letter which has been endorsed by the entire PSD (Social Democrat) delegation, asking the EC to provide answers as to why the the Government of Portugal was given the 'green light' to grant TAP - Air Portugal a loan totalling 1,200 million euros.
Posts published in “Atlantic Ocean”
TAP-Air Portugal announced this morning that from 16 June 2020 arrangements to deliver the backlog of air freight destined for Madeira currently held in Lisbon will be implemented.
With the pandemic, it would appear that this years' ferry connection to the mainland has been forgotten.
On the 12th of June at 12:45 pm, a documentary produced by the Oceanic Observatory of Madeira entitled 'À Beira do Mar Profundo' will premiere on RTP Internacional.
Taking advantage of the two public holidays this week, 3,000 Madeirans travelled to Porto Santo aboard the Lobo Marinho this morning.
Today, the 8th of June is World Oceans Day, and to celebrate the dedicated Cabo Girão Protected Area Facebook page shared several photographs taken during a dive last month, on and around the artificial reef formed around the sunken Corvette, Afonso Cerqueira.
As part of the International Year of Sound, the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) has launched its 'LIFE4BEST Seabird Macaronesian Sound Project' where researchers will use the cries produced by seabirds to determine how many there are and where they are.
The Funchal City Council (CMF), is holding its '8th Environmental Awareness Campaign on World Ocean Day' Monday the 8th of June at 3 pm, next to the Hotel Pestana CR7 Funchal.
A new scientific documentary about Madeira's deep underwater secrets will premier this Friday (5th of June) at 10 pm, on RTP-Madeira.
The 'Wheels' mega-yacht docked at this afternoon (3rd of June) at 4:16 pm in the Port of Funchal, marking a new phase in the island's post-lockdown recovery.
Last Friday, the Vigilantes da Natureza (Nature Watchers team) located on the Desertas Islands Nature Reserve, found a Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta), trapped in a coil of cables at sea.