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Posts published in “Madeira”

We Have to Count our Chickens

While visiting a chicken farm 'Aviatlântico' in Santo António da Serra, the President of Madeira, Miguel Albuquerque, said that 'his objective is to increase, as much as possible, the region's self-sufficiency in poultry farming. Currently, the Regions chicken farmers raise around 2.5 million birds a year, about 50% of what is consumed annually by Madeirans.

Tell Them to Wear Masks

The President of the Regional Government, Miguel Albuquerque said that the recent Covid-19 transmission in Porto Santo needed vigilance to maintain and control the situation.  As such, he appealed to all hoteliers, saying: "I ask you to recommend to our tourists, who are happily returning to Madeira, to wear a mask whenever they go out.

Portugal – Enters ‘State of Contingency’ in Mid September

During the meeting of the Council of Ministers, this morning (27.08) it was decided and later announced by the Minister of the Presidency Mariana Vieira da Silva,  that from the 15th of September  the whole country will return to a 'State of Contingency.' The objective, according to the minister, is to "prepare for the return to school and work" for many Portuguese citizens."

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