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Tourism is a ‘Good’ Problem

At the ceremony to distinguish individuals and tourist entities, at the Convent of Santa Clara, the President of the Regional Government stressed to the audience that “pressure is not fatal. It forces you to make decisions to improve the destination,” namely at the level of greater density at certain times and places. However, “all of this can be reorganised, and that is what we are doing in partnership with the tourism agents.

Moreover, Albuquerque provided figures to prove his outlook on the tourism problem. between 2015 and 2023 overnight stays grew by 55%. There was also an 89% in the number of guests staying during the same period, and revenue from tourism grew by 91% from 380 million euros in 2015 to 625 million euros in 2023.

He then thanked everyone working in the sector for their ‘humanised’ work.

So tourists sleeping in cars, camping all over the place, and the restrictions residents incur on enjoying their own island are all ‘good’ problems!

Samantha Gannon

info at

Photo: JM

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