The Regional Directorate of Health (DRS) advises that vaccination is the most effective form of prevention against influenza, as it reduces the risk of serious illness, hospitalisation, and death.
In a press statement, the DR note:
“The flu vaccine is made up of inactivated influenza virus, which means that the virus cannot cause infection. It may eventually cause adverse effects, such as discomfort or mild pain at the injection site, however, it is a mild and short-lived reaction, which results from our body’s normal response to immunisation.”
Free vaccination is available in all Health Centers in the Region, with or without an appointment. For further information please visit your local health centre.
The administration of the vaccine, which takes place during autumn and winter, is especially recommended for:
* People aged 50 and over;
* People with chronic disease;
*Pregnant women;
* Health professionals (public and private) – pharmacies, students in a clinical internship, professionals involved in patient transport;
* Social professionals – caregivers for dependent people;
* Professionals in the early childhood and pre-school education sector – kindergartens, crèches and similar;
* Critical service professionals – civil protection and firefighters; court staff and registry offices; state security forces and services;
* Institutionalised people – nursing homes, nursing homes;
* Other caregivers.
Samantha Gannon
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