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Landlords Can Increase Rents by 2.16%

Landlords can increase the value of rents by up to 2.16% in 2025, according to August inflation figures confirmed today by the National Statistics Institute (INE).

According to INE data, which confirms the values advanced in the flash estimate released on the 30th of August. In the last 12 months up to August the average variation in the price index, excluding housing, was 2.16%, a value that serves as the basis for the coefficient used for the annual update of rents for next year, under the New Urban Lease Regime (NRAU).

The effective value of rent updates must now be published in the Official Gazette by the 30th of October, after which landlords can advise tenants that their rents will increase.  The increase can only effectively occur 30 days after this notice.

This year’s rate, to be applied in 2025, represents a slowdown compared to last year, when it stood at 6.94%.

In 2024, the previous government decided not to impose a brake on rents, as happened in 2023, but approved measures to strengthen support for tenants.

Samantha Gannon

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