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SPEA Predicts Decades Long Recovery Programme

According to the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds – SPEA, it will take decades for the island’s nature to recover from the fires.

Thus, SPEA warns that the fires are “endangering the world’s only nesting colony of Madeiran Petrel. For this endangered seabird, the fire happened at the worst time: when the chicks are in the nests, being fed by their parents. The Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA), which has been working to protect the species and the Laurissilva forest – also seriously affected by the fires – adds its voice to that of citizens who ask for greater mobilisation of resources and regrets the lack of prior planning, which has made it difficult to fight fires.”

“Fortunately, so far there are no victims to mourn. The island’s nature, on the other hand, may suffer irreparable damage,” they stressed.

“In Curral das Freiras, the fire spread through the nesting area of the Madeiran Petrel. Some of the adults may have fled, but with the fires, the chicks may have died from burning, smoke inhalation, or from nest collapse,” says Cátia Gouveia, Coordinator of SPEA Madeira. “At this point, even if the adults have survived, this year’s breeding success is seriously affected, as these birds only lay one egg per year.

This is especially serious because Madeira is their only nesting site in the world.

Samantha Gannon

info at

Photo: JM

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