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Forum Hands Out Water Flow Devices

Forum Madeira, marked World Environment Day – 5th of June – with an awareness campaign against water waste – #GotasdeRealidade – which has been was developed in collaboration with the Funchal City Council (CMF).

The campaign #GotasdeRealidade runs until the 22nd of June, and today (5th), water flow reducers were distributed to customers using the shopping centre.  The initiative is to remind everyone that “it is time to adopt concrete measures to preserve the planet’s water resources. Environmental education plays a fundamental role as it makes people aware of the importance of water conservation and leads to the encouragement of sustainable practices in everyday life – adopting simple gestures such as turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or even investing in water recycling technologies, can make all the difference, AND every action counts.”

Rita Paixão, Director of Forum Madeira explained that: Every day we are confronted with news in the media that warns us about the expenditure of our planet’s natural resources and, therefore, we cannot do anything other than participate in raising awareness of this problem that affects us all.”

According to data from the Funchal City Council and resulting from the “Control and Monitoring of Water Leaks” project, 2.5 million m³ of water have already been reduced, the equivalent of 1000 Olympic swimming pools. CMF’s short-term goal (2 years) will be to save 6.3 million m³ each year and, in the long term (15 years), reduce losses to less than 20% of non-revenue water. Water waste threatens natural resources that are essential for survival.

Concluding, Rita Paixão added:

“On this World Environment Day, as well as every day, it is necessary to unite for a sustainable future for all because (only) together it is possible to transform waste into preservation, scarcity into abundance, and indifference into commitment. The planet will thank you, and so will future generations.”

Samantha Gannon

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