This morning, the Regional Authority for Economic Activities (ARAE) and the Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) carried out a large scale inspection operation at the Mercado dos Lavradores (Farmers Market). During their activities they seized various foodstuffs, and carried out a series of interviews with some of the stall holders.
The operation came about due to a series of complaints by market traders, who complained that there was a lack of supervision by the Funchal Municipal Council; the market space owners.
As far it is known, approximately 40 kilos of fruit was seized, mainly from tourists as the products sold failed to comply with public safety, sale of foodstuff regulations. Furthermore, several operators were found to be ripping off tourists.
Sources from both the ARAE and GNR confirmed the operation, but stated that as yet, they were unable to provide any additional information.
Samantha Gannon
info at