In order to present a solution of a "stable responsible government" the PS and the JPP reached a "joint compromise" today, taking into account that both "had more votes and more deputies than the PSD,"
Posts tagged as “Paulo Cafôfo”
"I'm the one who has the most popularity among all the politicians. So I'm very pleased." This is the reaction of the President of the Regional Government, when asked by JM, about the poll published in JM that reveals that Miguel Albuquerque obtained, among the party leaders of the Region, the most expressive negative evaluation, but, at the same time, the one who has the most positive image."
The Secretary of State for Portuguese Communities, Paulo Cafôfo, starts a three-day tour of Madeira tomorrow as part of his Mission "Connecting Portugal to the Diaspora," an initiative aimed to bring the diaspora closer to their country, based at boosting relationships with local government, companies, and society.
Paulo Cafôfo, the Secretary of State for the Communities, is said to have omitted to inform the Constitutional Court (TC) of the sale of a property in Madeira in April 2018, while he was Mayor of Funchal, state national newspaper Correio da Manhã.
The Public Prosecutor's Office, before the Constitutional Court (TC), has requested that Paulo Cafôfo, the former Mayor of Funchal and current Secretary of State of the Communities, to declare the actual amounts in his bank accounts, as this information was not included in his original income statements.
After the news broke that former Funchal Mayor, Paulo Cafôfo was being investigated - again! He took to social media to explain his position.
The Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating the current Secretary of State for Communities, and the former mayor of Funchal, Paulo Cafôfo, in an investigation involving suspicions about the activity of four Madeiran municipalities and PS Madeira.