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Madeira Weekly

Foreign Workforce Training

The Regional Directorate of Communities and External Cooperation, in collaboration with ACIF-CCIM, will hold a training day called 'Hiring workers abroad or immigrants who are already in Portugal,' on the 14th of February between 09:00 and 13:00, in the Auditorium of the Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Rural Development, Golden Gate Building.

New DRS ‘Don’t Be Fooled By New Drugs’ Campaign

The Regional Directorate of Health (DRS), through the Operational Unit of Intervention in Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies, launched, their new 2023 campaign 'Do not be deceived by new drugs' on the 26th of January, as a way to raise awareness among the population about the new psychoactive substances (drugs) available on the market and their serious side effects. 

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Madeira Weekly