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Posts published in “Government”

Uber Law Delays

The JPP (Juntos Pelo Povo) has expressed its concern on behalf of professionals taxi drivers, as the law “Autonomous Region of Madeira Law No. 45/2018, of 10 August, which establishes the legal regime for the activity of individual and remunerated transport of passengers in vehicles uncharacterized from an electronic platform (taxis)” has not yet been published in Diário da República.

We Will Survive!

The President of the Government of Madeira, Miguel Albuquerque, is convinced that the region will overcome its greatest challenge to date; the devastating effect Covid-19 has had on tourism. 

Christmas and End of Year Celebrations Will Take Place

The Madeira Tourism Secretary said today (27th), that tenders for the traditional Christmas and New Year celebrations in the region have already been launched, but the programmes will be adapted to ensure that all safety regulations are met, stated the Secretary for Tourism and Culture, Eduardo Jesus. While celebrating World Tourism Day, he said, “We have already launched the contests and we have some surprises in store for Madeira during the Christmas period and the End of Year celebrations.”

Horários do Funchal – We Have Reached an Agreement

The management of Horários do Funchal (HF) announced this morning that it had reached an agreement with the Union of Road Workers and Metallurgical Activities of the Autonomous Region of Madeira (STRAMM), "concerning the protection of the Single Agent subsidy, as well as the payment of the allowance that replaced the Single Agent subsidy to drivers who did not work during the pandemic."

We Believe in the Management

The Horarios do Funchal bus company continues to be beset by instability problems. However, Rui Barreto, the Regional Secretary for the Economy, considers that it is not the company's management that is causing instability within the company, but the unions themselves, as they either do not or will not understand the current situation. 

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