The European Commission has approved a programme to support companies in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, who are considered low and medium-voltage electricity users to cope with rising energy costs in a EUR 4.2 million rescue package.
Posts published in “Economy”
Horários do Funchal issued a statement today advising all its customers that it will be offering a reduced service tomorrow, the 23rd of February, on its urban and inter-urban routes due to a Workers Plenary by the SNMOT-National Drivers and Other Workers Union.
After stating that the President of Madeira's comments that the Regional Government intends to sell the Dr Nélio Mendonça Hospital once the new hospital is opened a 'Carnival joke,' the People's Monarchy Party (PPM) has gone on to propose that the building be used as a senior citizen facility.
Rice, coffee grounds, apple husks, and plastic bottles are examples of the "new generation of products" used in the Portuguese footwear industry, which is to be assumed as an international reference in the development of sustainable solutions.
Miguel Albuquerque was pleased today with Binter's decision to extend their inter-island contract, which will be formally signed on Thursday, the 23rd of February.
All finance offices will be closed tomorrow, the 21st of February due to Carnival.
The municipal group of Bloco de Esquerda Madeira (BE-M), in the Municipal Assembly of Funchal, were on the warpath this morning as they stood together in Praia Formosa to express their anger at the new proposed housing project.
The Regional Government has confirmed that the Loja do Cidadão will be closed on Tuesday the 21st - Carnival Tuesday.
The Regional Secretary of Tourism and Culture, Eduardo Jesus, is in the Madeiran parliament defending the proposal for a regional legislative decree that authorises the extension of the current concession of the casino, in what is referred to as Funchal's Gambling Zone," which is currently under the responsibility of the Pestana Group.
Late this evening, airport authorities confirmed that strong winds are affecting the operationality of Madeira International Airport.
Throughout January of this year, the average change recorded by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (AMR), – Total General – was 7.4%, an increase of 0.4 percentage points (p.p.) than in the previous month (+7.0%). It is the highest value for this indicator since June 1993, according to the Regional Directorate of Nationality of Madeira (DREM).
"I don't want anyone to earn the minimum wage," said Miguel Albuquerque in a commentary on the result of the poll published today in JM. A poll showing that the vast majority of the population feels that the new regional minimum wage, set at 785 euros, is not enough to mitigate the weight of inflation.
The Association of Banif Injured People (ALBOA) welcome the recent words of the President of the Regional Government of Madeira, Miguel Albuquerque, who stressed it was time to find a resolution to the BANIF situation.
Yesterday evening it was reported that several sections of public lighting along Ruas 5 de Outubro and 31 de Janeiro had been turned off.
The President of PS-Madeira, Sérgio Gonçalves, believes that it is essential to update the tourist product and improve the remuneration of workers, to ensure the region's tourism sustainability.