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NHS Pharmacy Strike

The National Health Service (SNS) pharmacists strike had a general adhesion of 92% at a national level, according to the National Union of Pharmacists (SNF).

“Madeira topped the scales with a 96%” adherence, the President of the union, Henrique Reguengo, told Lusa reporters. “Pharmacists are on strike between today and Thursday, arguing against the current impasse in negotiations after a meeting scheduled for the beginning of this month was postponed.

According to the union structure, pharmacists feel discriminated against compared to doctors and nurses.

The union recalled that the salary grid for pharmacists dates back to 1999 and that the approximately one thousand professionals who work in the NHS manage the second largest slice of the Health budget and achieve, through their drug management, an annual saving that “alone would pay for their proposed salary increases.”

Speaking to Lusa at the beginning of the month, Henrique Reguengo argued that pharmaceutical intervention is increasingly complex and necessary, and, that NHS Pharmacies will become less efficient due to a lack of interest, and even now interns are leaving the profession.

“Pharmacists, for now, have an employability of 100%. If they don’t come to the NHS, they seek jobs where they are valued and paid accordingly.”

Samantha Gannon

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