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515 Classic Cars Attract Enthusiasts

Last updated on 26th May 2024

The official opening of the Classic Car Revival exhibition took place today.  With 515 vehicles in Praça do Povo, the event is eye-catching, to say the least, not to mention the star car, which is a Lamborghini Miura P400 SV, belonging to the Caramulo Museum, and valued at 3 million euros.

Praça do Povo attracted hundreds of visitors in a revivalist atmosphere, including the President of the Regional Government, the Regional Secretary for Tourism and Culture, and the President of the Classic Car Club of Madeira.

Miguel Albuquerque was seen keenly observing the vehicles while speaking to presenter Jorge Gabriel, stating that the variety of cars and the event is vitally important to Madeira.

Concluding, Eduardo Jesus said, “as part of the Flower Festival, the exhibition creates yet another tourism opportunity for the region during May.”

Samantha Gannon

info at

Photo: JM archive

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