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TdC: Government Did Not Comply

The Court of Auditors (TdC), in its 2023 External Verification of the Regional Government Treasurer’s Account, indicates that the Regional Government did not fully comply with a recommendation regarding budgetary rules on the use of bank and treasury balances, which had already been left in the previous year’s report.

In a press release, the TdC recommends to the Regional Secretary for Finance, once again, strict compliance with the budgetary rules on the use of bank and treasury balances, including payroll loans, and the concrete justification and express proof of the fulfillment of the required legal requirements.

In addition, it recommends that “efforts be made to present to the Minister of Finance a proposal for legislative regularization of the economic classifications of revenue and expenditure in use by the Autonomous Region of Madeira, taking into account the option provided for in article 6-A of Decree-Law No. 26/2002, of 14 February.”

Samantha Gannon

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