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Is Poverty Democracy’s Failure

With this year’s IV Regional Forum to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion, theme ‘(Re)Thinking about the Autonomous Region of Madeira and democracy in the fight against poverty’, the Madeira branch of the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN-Portugal) considers that families continue to feel the effects on food and energy prices, and, it is “among the poorest populations that spending on food and energy presents a greater ‘share’ in total consumption.”

In addition to these difficulties, the crisis in access to housing has led to “an increase in the number of people living in overcrowded houses,” and this scenario underlines generational cleavages and social inequalities.

Licínia Freitas, technician of the Autonomous Region of Madeira of EAPN Portugal – European Anti-Poverty Network and forum organiser, praises the relevance of this meeting to analyse the problem of poverty in the Region, whose persistence is “the greatest failure of the last 50 years of democracy.”

The meeting will be held on Tuesday the 16th in the Regional Parliament Noble Hall.

Samantha Gannon

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