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Tragic Accidents Blight Madeira’s Roads

A collision between a motorcycle and a light vehicle, on the road between Santo da Serra and Camacha, ended up fatally killing a motorcyclist.  His passenger is in a critical condition with the driver of the car suffering minor injuries.  A fire brigade source has confirmed that all those involved were between 40 – 45 years old.

Santa Cruz Firefighters attended the incident and were assisted by two ambulance crews, a specialised extraction unit, and a support team.

The EMIR team was also at the scene, providing aid to the three victims. Unfortunately, one of the motorcyclists died on site. Their companion, who was seriously injured, was immediately transported to the Dr. Nélio Mendonça Hospital. The third victim, the car driver was also admitted to hospital, although their injuries are said to be minor.

The Public Security Police remained on site to collect evidence of yet another tragic accident on Madeira’s roads.

Two pedestrians were recently killed after being knocked down by moving vehicles.  There has also been a significant increase in the number of people injured walking along or across the region’s roads.  Last night there were a further two accidents involving rolled cars.  Although no one was injured, due care and attention must be taken at all times.

Our thoughts are with the friends and families of the victim and those injured.

Samantha Gannon

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