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Canadair Planes – Hit The Ground Running

The two Canadair planes sent by Spain set to work quickly yesterday afternoon. The initial reconnaissance flights were first sighted at 17:09 at Pico do Areeiro, where a single aircraft was seen circling Pico do Gato, where the flames are intense, and shortly afterward, the second aircraft was seen approaching the area.

It was later confirmed that both aircraft were concentrating on the central mountain range. 

In a later statement, the CDS-PP Madeira announced their relief at the arrival of the two Canadair aircraft as a means to fight fires, within the scope of the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism. 

Since Saturday, the “CDS had argued that it was necessary to add more aerial resources to the helicopter that operated in the Region.” The centrists consider that “it was evident that, to face the fire in the inaccessible mountains and peaks of Madeira, only aerial means could effectively fight the fires.”

“We hope that the Canadair can put an end to this scourge that has been hitting our island for a week and that has already caused massive destruction to the island and its people, and irreparable damage to our Natural Heritage.” Furthermore, the CDS argues that they have defended the existence of greater aerial firefighting means for more than 20 years.

“Time has proved the CDS right, but unfortunately much has already been lost in lives, property, and biodiversity in these two decades.”

The CDS reaffirms that the State should financially support the annual maintenance of Madeira’s Civil Protection firefighting helicopter and the positioning of a second aerial means in the Region throughout the year, or at least during the fire season.

So far 5,000 hectares (9,300 football fields) have been burned.

Samantha Gannon

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