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12 Tonnes of Grapes Picked in Porto Santo

A team from the Institute of Wine, Embroidery and Handicrafts of Madeira (IVBAM) is in Porto Santo monitoring the 2024 harvest campaign and, according to data 12 tonnes of grapes have been harvested, mostly from the caracol and striprão varieties.

Tiago Freitas, President of IVBAM, notes, the good phytosanitary status of the grapes on the island of Porto Santo, which have “a good degree and very good quality.” However, a drop in production is expected compared to 2023, when 41 tons of grapes were harvested.

During the day, the IVBAM team visited 10 of the 59 winegrowers in Porto Santo, providing technical assistance and carrying out the normal inspections of the season.

The anticipation of the harvest is, moreover, transversal to the whole country and winegrowers are unanimous in pointing the finger at climate change and stating that in recent years the harvesting of grapes has occurred earlier and earlier, when September is the traditional harvest month.

Samantha Gannon

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