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RG: The Negotiations Are Over, We Must Wait

Miguel Albuquerque does not interfere with other parties’ decisions and assures that, in good faith, he did everything to try to arrange an agreement for the Government programme, and that for now, negotiations are exhausted.

Now, “it’s just a waiting game,” said the President of Madeira, who was speaking to journalists during a visit to a company based in the Cancela Business Park – Frezal.  Reaffirming, his earlier comments he refused to be drawn into giving further details in response to what André Ventura, leader of Chega at the national level,  said this afternoon, after speaking with Miguel Castro: not with Miguel Albuquerque!

Miguel Albuquerque says he does not know what the position of the parties will be in the Legislative Assembly of Madeira, in the face of the discussion of the Government Programme, but guarantees that he has done everything he can to bring about its success.

Samantha Gannon

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