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DRS: Summer Travelling Recommendations

During the summer period, the Regional Directorate of Health has reinforced recommendations on travel precautions.

Regional Directorate of Health (DRS) Recommendations:

“If travelling to countries or places where basic sanitation and hygiene measures may be deficient, travellers should, where possible:

– Wash your hands with soap and water before eating food. Alternatively, use alcohol solutions or disinfectant gel;

 Ensure that the use of kitchen utensils such as plates, glasses and other utensils are clean before use;

– Avoid consuming food at street vendors. Always prefer a commercial area;

– Choose foods cooked at high temperatures and served while they are hot;

– Prefer cooked vegetables instead of salads. The fruit should be eaten peeled;

– Use bottled water, for drinking, brushing teeth, and making ice.

Another concern when travelling is diseases transmitted by insect vectors (e.g. ticks, mosquitoes) that transmit diseases.

To minimize these situations, you should:

– Wear repellent and clothing that covers most areas of the body (long-sleeved shirts and pants);

– If camping or sleeping in outdoor areas or without air conditioning, you should use a mosquito net, preferably impregnated with insecticide;

– Avoid walking in areas with bushes, large grasses and grass;

– Pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of sheets and bed linen.

Find out in advance about the need for special health care, particularly if you are travelling outside Europe. It is advisable to carry out a traveller’s consultation, preferably one month before.

This consultation is available at the Regional Health Service, EPERAM: Bom Jesus Health Centre | Appointments by appointment | Phone: 291 208 738 and Hospital dos Marmeleiros | Appointments by appointment |Phone: 291 705 730/1.”

Samantha Gannon

info at

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