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Desertas Island Documentary

‘The Mysterious Desertas Islands’ is the name of the documentary produced by Martinho da Silva Andrade, which will be ready next July and already has documented five species of whales and four dolphin species. In addition, the recordings have already captured mantas, fish, and “breathtaking landscapes.”

This documentary, as the director points out, “will show the history of the Desertas Islands in the context of the sea to the north and the cross between the mother island.” “A collection of images of cetaceans, fish, among others, aims to discover the mysteries of these islands that are only known as the Desertas,” and which represents “a wildlife sanctuary” that, in the director’s idea, “will have to be immediately preserved as some species could die out before the arrival of a new generation.”

The recordings take place over a year, and the premiere will be held on a national channel, in addition to the fact that the documentary “is already being requested by a company to show it in theatres.”

On Sunday, the 30th of June, Martinho da Silva Andrade, together with his team, will make the third and last trip to Desertas,” to explore the islet to collect images of marine and terrestrial life.”

Samantha Gannon

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