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PAN – We Need Sustainable Tourism Infrastructures

In a statement, PAN Madeira “regrets yet another death of a tourist and recalls that since last September it has called for urgent and more than necessary measures to be taken to safeguard the lives of those who visit us”.

After expressing its “most heartfelt condolences to the family of Margherita Salvucci who tragically died after being swept away by a freak wave at Poça das Lemos, Seixal on the 28th of June,” the party recalls that since last September, it has been appealing urgently for the restructuring of popular tourist attractions and that some of these measures involve the creation of barriers, prohibitions and warnings.”

“Measures to regulate, control, and minimise risks in tourist spots are urgent measures that cannot be put aside until the political crisis is resolved. These are regulations that can save lives and they must be implemented immediately on the ground, safeguarding the issue of tourist pressure, the excesses and civic abuses in our nature, and, effectively, the safety of people. We have to preserve the environment, and our natural resources and offer an experience of contemplation and safety, without being afraid to take more restrictive and coordinated measures, at the risk of losing what we are best known for,” says PAN Madeira deputy, Mónica Freitas.

“The PAN defends the creation of an assertive campaign to dissuade passage through dangerous points, with panels referring to the occurrence of accidents and deaths, in addition to the already known reservation systems for tourist spots, levadas, and footpaths using public transport from designated car parks. We also advocate a mobile alert system to be applied at check-in at any accommodation unit with a series of references to the safety of the routes, in several languages, to minimise accidents. accidents.”

Samantha Gannon

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