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Pico Areeiro Walk Becoming An Open Air Bathroom

The Digital Nomads have complained that part of the PR1 trail between Pico do Areeiro and Pico Ruivo has been transformed into an open-air bathroom. Five days ago they published a video showing areas contaminated by human waste.

They say that the smell is nauseating and ask that the bar bathrooms be opened earlier i.e. 07:00 instead of 09:30, so that people can use the toilet before they embark on their walk, and to prevent tourists from fouling what is a beautiful walk and popular tourist destination.

Media-savvy Jackson Groves, an Australian adventure traveller, whose videos in the Madeiran mountains have had a great impact, also commented on the case. He assures that he has already warned about the matter and suggests the installation of public toilets.

Meanwhile, the Institute of Forests and Nature Conservation (IFCN) had already carried out a rubbish collection and ‘bottom cleaning at the site,’ (no pun intended!) as announced last Friday, stressing that it had collected “paper and plastics.” Further to this, the IFCN states that they have disseminated information in this regard and have provided, at the entrance and exit of the main routes, support infrastructures, including bathrooms, so that there is no reason for people to foul the public pedestrian route.”

The IFCN “warns, once again, that all users of pedestrian routes and protected spaces should not abandon their rubbish, especially paper and plastic. Although there are employees who periodically walk and carry out rubbish collection duties, they are unable to collect everything.”

Samantha Gannon

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