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DNA Party Highlight Market Problems

Members of the ADN party visited the Santo da Serra market yesterday where they had the opportunity to talk to local merchants and listen to their concerns.

This market, with its vibrant atmosphere and wide variety of products, is a true meeting point for the community and a symbol of Madeiran culture.

Among the most complained about issues, the problem of water infiltration stood out. “As happened over the weekend, when it rains, a lot of water due to the inadequate roofing seeps through soaking merchants and customers,” said an ADN spokesperson. “This situation compromises safety and comfort, and it’s about time the roof was fixed.”

Another issue raised was inadequate lighting during the winter. On dark days, the indoor light is insufficient, hindering merchants’ work and customers’ experience. Better lighting would help create a more welcoming and functional environment, regardless of the weather conditions.

On the subject of hygiene, traders expressed frustration at having to sweep up the previous day’s dirt first thing in the morning. “They pay rent and expect this service to be guaranteed by the municipality, which currently does not happen. Improving the cleanliness of the market would ensure a cleaner and more attractive space for everyone.”

In addition, the problem of traffic and parking was mentioned, especially on weekends.

The high movement of vehicles and the lack of adequate parking spaces are issues that need to be addressed urgently. For the ADN, solving these problems would make it easier for visitors to access and increase customer attendance, benefiting local businesses.

Despite these challenges, ADN says there are “many positive aspects” to be celebrated in the Santo da Serra market. The presence of the Madeira brand on many products is a source of pride, highlighting the quality and authenticity of local items.

Merchants have played a crucial role in promoting and enhancing Madeiran products, contributing to the regional economy, and preserving the island’s traditions. The stallholders, with their dedication and friendliness, are the soul of the market.”

“Not only do they offer high-quality products, but they also create a friendly and welcoming environment that attracts both residents and tourists. Going to the Santo da Serra market is already part of the tradition of the Madeirans, being a moment of social conviviality, where friends and family meet, stories are shared and the sense of community is strengthened,” reiterated the spokesperson.

Concluding, the party spokesperson added “the ADN candidacy recognises the importance of the Santo da Serra market and commits to working together with the merchants and the municipality to solve the problems identified. For the party, “improving market conditions will not only benefit traders, but also reinforce this important Madeiran tradition, ensuring that it continues to thrive for many generations to come.”

Samantha Gannon

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