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Sugarcane Slavery

Élvio Sousa, leader of the JPP and candidate for president of the Regional Government in the next elections, said today in Canhas that “sugarcane producers in recent years have struggled to free themselves from oppressive governments who wished to maintain the slavery of sugarcane farmers, and that the new price of 50 cents a kilo was a victory for the working people. However” he went on to say ” the final product, namely rum has a 40% appreciation value, and farmers should be careful not to be lulled into a false sense of security of sustainable profits by party leaders who will use this as a way to sway the judgement of those who toil the land.”

Concluding, he said, “it is an important increase, but we have to warn producers to be aware of electoral manoeuvers, and that price increases need to be maintained on a year-on-year basis.”

Samantha Gannon

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