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RSV Baby Immunisation Underway

From tomorrow, the 1st of November, the Autonomous Region of Madeira will start its immunisation campaign against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in babies; an important step in the prevention of bronchiolitis.

The first set of immunisations is scheduled for midday at the Maternity Ward of the Dr. Nélio Mendonça, on the 4th floor. The Regional Secretary for Health and Civil Protection, Pedro Ramos, accompanied by the Health leaders, will be present at this historic moment for the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

Madeira is heading towards the first winter without bronchiolitis in babies. It will be the first region in the country to implement this immunisation, an important achievement in the field of public health in the Autonomous Region of Madeira that will allow the prevention of this virus infection to be reinforced.

This is an innovative and significant step for the Autonomous Region of Madeira in the prevention of a disease that can be fatal.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a very common and highly contagious virus best known for causing bronchiolitis in children during the winter. Bronchiolitis is an acute respiratory infection, with a higher incidence in the first 2 years of life. Most cases of bronchiolitis are caused by RSV.

This immunisation is for babies who have not yet had contact with RSV and who are experiencing their first winter. The antibody against this virus will be administered in the maternity ward of Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça to babies born from November 1, 2023 (until March 31, 2024).  All babies born between the 1st of April and the 31st of October will be immunised at their local health centres.

Samantha Gannon

info at

The Regional Government informs that it has acquired 2400 vaccines, in an investment of more than 500 thousand euros.

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