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DRS Announces Regional Health Plan 2021-2030

The Regional Health Plan 2021-2030 is a strategic planning document in health that is integrating and population-based.  It is the responsibility of the Regional Health Directorate (DRS), whose results are based on participatory, multilevel, and multisectoral creation work to identify the main priorities within the health sector and create appropriate intervention strategies to ensure a sustainable health programme.

The public consultation phase of the Regional Health Plan (PRS) 2021-2030 finished on the 24th of January, and the DRS received in this context a dozen contacts of individual and institutional nature (including professional and political organisations) at both regional and national levels.

The DRS appreciates all the contributions and stresses, in addition to the constructive nature of all participations, that many contributions have addressed operational issues, which will be considered in the implementation process.

After the public consultation phase has been completed and the contributions received considered, the latest version of PRS 2021-2030 was submitted for consideration and approved by the Governing Council, according to Resolution of the Council of the Regional Government No. 34/2023. Prs 2021-2030 is currently available on the DRS ( website.

The DRS points out that PRS 2021-2030 is based on a vision of AMR as a healthy, safe, sustainable, and innovative region, underpinning the pillars of sustainable development. In this context, the purpose of the PRS is to improve health and well-being for all citizens, as well as create the conditions for a healthy lifestyle for the entire population.

Identifying the six main health problems, namely malignant tumors, diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the respiratory system, mental and behavioral disorders, diseases of the digestive tract, and external causes of injury and poisoning, the PRS defines 4 priority P’s – Promotion, Prevention, Protection, and Progress, for which it proposes a set of strategic recommendations.

Samantha Gannon

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