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Pension Increases From 1st of January 2023

The ordinance establishing the annual pension increase for 2023 (between 3.89% and 4.83%), was published on Monday in Diário da República and is effective from the 1st of January 2023.

Pensions equal to or less than 960.86 euros (corresponding to the value of two Social Support Indexers – IAS) are up 4.83%.

Pensions between 960.86 euros and 2,882.58 euros (six IAS) increase by 4.49%, while pensions above six IAS increased by 3.89%.

Pensions in amounts greater than 5,765.16 euros “are not subject to updating, except in the situations provided for in Article 102 of Decree-Law No. 187/2007 of May 10, and in paragraph 2 of Article 7 of Law No. 52/2007 of August 31”, establishes the ordinance.

At the end of November, in Santarém, The Minister of Labor, Ana Mendes Godinho, said that the Government would try to ensure that pension increases began to be paid in January.

Samantha Gannon

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