Daily Covid-19 figures as per JM Madeira. Please note that figures from the DGS and Regional Government often differ.
New Cases: 82 including three imported cases. (2 x the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region and 1 x North of Portugal) and 79 cases of local transmission, most of which are already associated with already known transmission chains.
Recovered Cases: 131 (Total recovered to date 4,291).
Deaths: 3 (Three men aged 82, 85 and 92 respectively, all of whom have underlying health issues).
Total deaths to date: 60.
Cases Under Study: 223
Hosptialised: 66 and a further 7 are in Intensive care.
Currently, Madeira has 1,705 active cases, of which 47 are imported and 1,658 are from local transmissions.
Samantha Gannon
info at madeira-weekly.com