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Events Limited to Five People

One of the new measures implemented by the Regional Government is to reduce the number of people allowed to gather together, whether in either family or cultural events.  The new limitations are:-

“Limit of 5 people who may walk together along a public road, space, commercial outlet or restaurant.  The only exception is people from the same household. 

Limit of 5 people per group, unless they are part of the same household, in shopping centres,  restaurants, cafes and pastry shops within a 300m radius of a school.

Celebrations and other events that involve five or more people meeting are prohibited, unless they belong to the same household, this includes cultural shows or events of any nature, with the exception of religious ceremonies, provided that capacity is limited to the guidelines stated in paragraph 10 of Resolution no. 839/2020, dated the 5th of November 2020.

Samantha Gannon

info at

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