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Project – ‘I Can Do It!

Empowering the population to actively seek work and providing them with personal development skills are the main objectives of the “Eu Faço!” Project, promoted by the Parish Council of Imaculado Coração de Maria, in partnership with the APEL (Private Secondary and Vocational School) Employment Hub.

The initiative started this week at the Junta de Freguesia on Rua Nova da Quinta Deão, with speakers Inês Mendonça, from the Eures chain, and Edgar Viana, from the APEL Employment Hub. In this first session, the new Europass and European mobility networks were discussed together with Health, as a separate theme, under the title “Be happy and be prepared for action.”

New sessions will take place throughout this week at which various topics will be discussed including Personal Marketing, Employment Contracts and Entrepreneurship.

The aim of the project is to train and encourage the people from the parish of Imaculado to expand their knowledge base and learn new skills. The first phase of the initiative included people referred by the Parish Council and those who are registered with the APEL organisation.

A further training session is scheduled next week, starting on the 19th of October, and all interested parties should register their interest via email: or phone 291 229 659.

Samantha Gannon

info at

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