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Nationality Branch Needed In Madeira

The Parliamentary Group of the Socialist Party has defended the need for the region to be part of the network of Nationality Branches as discussed during Emigrants Day, which was marked last week.

On Monday, the 17th of August, members from the socialist party held a press conference at which they confirmed that they had submitted a draft recommendation, through the Regional Legislative Assembly, to the Regional Directorate for the Administration of Justice, that they approach the Registry and Notary Institute with a request for the inclusion of the Autonomous Region of Madeira in the network of Nationality Branches.

As explained by Deputy PS-M representative, Elisa Seixas, this network, which has existed since 2008 aims to streamline the request process for nationality for non nationals, so that the processes of obtaining citizenship for those who wish to apply for this status can be conducted quickly and efficiently.  Madeira, noted Elisa Seixas, has a broad section of emigrants already living here and it is in our interest that we welcome those who wish to reside in our region, and as such, asks that the Regional Government “pay special attention” to this request.

For Madeira this would be a very positive step.

Samantha Gannon

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