Speaking to the President of ANACOM at a hearing held at the Assembly, Madeiran deputy Paulo Neves made a point of reiterating that the proposed submarine cable project is of vital importance in support of the economic competitiveness of the region.
This, along with advances in “technological mobility’, represents the future in which Madeira is making a major investment thus enabling commercial enterprises the ability to face the challenges of a post-covid society. The Region has already made a considerable investment in connecting to the submarine cable network linking Brazil to mainland Portugal, and it is essential that this work continues. Furthermore, through new technologies the islands connection should not be viewed as a problem but as an opportunity.
During his speech, Paulo Neves, stated that while the regulator has interfered with this project, he had not seen fit to intervene in the delay of mail being delivered to Madeira from the mainland. Such delays have been evident from the onset of the pandemic.
Samantha Gannon
info at madeira-weekly.com