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Madeira Weekly

24 Tourists Identified on Closed Pedestrian Routes

More than two dozen tourists have been identified walking along closed pedestrian routes.  The routes were closed due to the fires that ravaged the island for thirteen days. “The people identified to date have been exclusively tourists,” states the President of the IFCN, Manuel Filipe, stressing that the infraction is…

Tension Between Firefighters and Civil Protection

The coordination of firefighting operations that ravaged Madeira for 13 days has intensified the tension between firefighters and the Civil Protection. In performance terms the centralised management deserved criticism on the ground, resurfacing old divergences such as the payment of support to volunteers or the cut in the allowances of…

Forum Madeira – The First Dog Friendly Shopping Centre

From the 4th of October, Forum Madeira managed and marketed by CBRE, will become the first dog friendly shopping centre in Madeira. In a statement released yesterday, all owners who would like to bring their dog shopping must from the 26th of August complete the registration form available on the…

Airport Strike

The STTAMP – Union of Transport Workers of Portugal, following the hearing at the Arbitration Court, announced today the minimum guaranteed services at airports, between 00:00 on the 31st of August (Saturday) and 24:00 on the 1st of September (Sunday), due to a SPdH – Serviços Portugueses de Handling, SA…

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