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Madeira Weekly

No One is Resigning In My Government

Smiling broadly, the President of the Regional Government categorically refuted that any member of his executive, especially regional secretaries, suspected in the ‘Ab Initio’ operation, had resigned or made their place available, a scenario that, according to rumours lurking in the corridors of the public administration, has happened in recent…

SIGA Bus Network Drama

Milton Teixeira, president of the Parish Council of Caniço, considers that the change from public transport to the SIGA network “is not complying” with proper operation. Speaking to JM-FM radio, the mayor reports that in the Garajau area, “where thousands of people live and hundreds take the bus,” he is…

November Fair 12th -16th of November

The Casa do Voluntário Association, in partnership with the Organising Committee, which includes several entities (Garouta do Calhau, Casa de Saúde Câmara Pestana, Regional Nucleus of Madeira, Portuguese League Against Cancer, Regional Directorate for Youth, Casa São José and Causa Social), brings together, once again, a large number of institutions…

Fishing in the Selvagens – The debate Continues

The President of the Madeira Regional Council of the Order of Biologists said today that he had not found “any advantage for the protected area of Selvagens to be changed.” Ricardo Araújo was speaking at the Specialized Commission on Environment, Climate, and Natural Resources, of the Legislative Assembly of Madeira,…

Earthquake Recorded

The Portuguese Institute of Atmosphere and Sea (IPMA) has confirmed that a 2.3 magnitude earthquake was recorded this morning at 08:21 off the northeast coast of Porto Moniz. The ‘quake’ occurred at a depth of 30 kilometers. Samantha Gannon info at

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