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Posts published in “Nature”

Depression Jana

The Portuguese Institute of Atmosphere and Sea (IPMA) predicts that until midnight on Sunday, Depression Jana will affect Madeira with wind, rain, and rough seas.  This is in addition to the expected cold front the storm is pushing through. In the statement, the IPMA predicts that Madeira will continue to…

Micro Earthquake

A micro 1.9 earthquake was picked up by seismographs at the Portuguese Institute of Atmosphere and Sea at 01:26 off the northwest coast of Porto Moniz. Due to its size, the general public would not have felt it. Samantha Gannon info at

IFCN Talk Beetles

The Institute of Forests and Nature Conservation (IFCN), has started a general public awareness-raising action in Porto Santo. Manuel Filipe, President of the IFNC, explained that the objective is to explain how the palm beetle (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus or Red Palm Beetle) has attacked so many palm trees in Porto Santo…

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