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Posts published in “NEWS”

Leprosy in Portugal

According to a report eight people were diagnosed with leprosy in Portugal between 2023 and 2024, after laboratory confirmation by the National Institute of Health Ricardo Jorge (INSA). The data contained in the INSA report on INSA tuberculosis laboratory surveillance, prepared by the infectious diseases department, adds that laboratory tests…

Voting Statistics

This is just a brief overview of the voting statistics: No of people eligible/registered to vote: 255,380 Number of voters: 142,960 (55.98%) Abstention: 44.02% Voting was distributed as follows: PSD           43.47%            23 Deputies Elected JPP             21.05% …

Nothing Changes

“Nothing changes and we’ve wasted money’ was the lament from one party leader after the election results show an almost majority victory of the PSD with 62,000 votes, 13,000 more than May last year.  The only other ‘winner’ was the Juntos Pelo Povo who saw their popularity rise. Parties such…

Storm Martin Aftermath

The Civil Protection Service of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, has issued a statement regarding the effects of Storm Martin. According to the Portuguese Institute of Atmosphere and Sea, during the period 18th – 21st of March, the Chão do Areeiro Weather Station recorded maximum gusts of 134 km/h. In…

Held in Abeyance

The extension of parental leave, the access of foreigners to the National Health Service and the parliamentary commissions of inquiry into Santa Casa and Efacec are some of the ‘dossiers’ that expire with the dissolution of parliament. After the motion of no-confidence in the mainland PSD/CDS-PP Government that fell last…


“Mandolisland” marks the meeting of French composer Vincent Beer Demander with regional music.  Through his innovative work, music lovers will be able to new musical experiences inspired by traditional Madeiran music. In addition to this work, various other repertoires from other composers will be showcased in a new and inspiring…

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